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BinarySense.HDD.Temperature.v.4.0.25..Incl.Keygen-NGEN Empty BinarySense.HDD.Temperature.v.4.0.25..Incl.Keygen-NGEN

Mensagem  Damien Dom Jun 12, 2011 7:06 pm

[center]BinarySense.HDD.Temperature.v.4.0.25..Incl.Keygen-NGEN 110531065424215374

NGEN has released updated version of HDD Temperature.

Description: HDD Temperature (Hard Disk Drive Temperature) is used to control the temperature of hard disks and prevent failures in their work due to overheating. Hard Drive Temperature works invisibly in the background mode and bothers you only when there is an actual threat to your data and warns you about a dangerous overheating of your hard disk. Even if you are not around when the critical temperature of your hard disk has been exceeded, Hard Drive Temperature will take care and save all your data! This application will put the computer in standby mode then will turn it off so that the hard disk will have time to cool off.

Release Name: BinarySense.HDD.Temperature.v.4.0.25..Incl.Keygen-NGEN
Size: 3.73 mb


Mensagens : 12
Data de inscrição : 12/06/2011
Idade : 50
Localização : Porto

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